gedane zaken een doorsnede van 6 weken “research” een video/montage van rolf vertseegh und nog eine camera rolf edit jasper griepink
ROODKAPJE ROTTTERDAM MEENT 119-133 WHAT’S GOING ON? Show 22/03/12 – 29/04/12
The Epicenter of the Contemporary Urban Wizard Practice
7-week durational habitation, installation and performance event, with Toine Klaassen, Jasper Griepink and Piet Langeveld.
Roodkapje Rotterdam, Rotterdam 2012.
On March 22, the legendary blue spear of Solanum Tuberosum (the Golden Potato Power) struck the center of Rotterdam. For a period of 7 weeks Roodkapje ROT(T)TERDAM transformed into a habitat of the contemporary city wizards Jasper Griepink, Toine Klaassen and Piet Langeveld. Magical performances, rituals, interventions, experimenting sculptures and their secret sounds arose from this center of exploration and intuition. At this work and research station, which was open to all members of the public, new and naturally occuring modes of behaviour were extrapolated and explored. By the sheer amount of novelty and freedom that was being executed within the multi-room showroom of Roodkapje the social structures of the outside world (the city around roodkapje) turned out to be absolutely weird, construced and theartically organized. The three of us never anticipated on the sheer force or our shared expansion, but people kept returning to our friday night happenings, and even the common man of the street turned their necks and dropped their jaws to witness the happiness, sadness and reality of being that we manifested. The erection of the golden potato brought everyone back to the forgotten roots of our Earth. With programming like the Midnight-hunt-big-city-buffoon, telepathic bingo, aura makeovers, consults from the golden potato, lovemaking with plants, invitations to queer sweatlodge ceremonies and reiki treatments we extended our peronal and spiritual explorations to everyone willing to get involved. On a weekly basis our conglomorated installation changed, grew and adapted to our needs, the buildings needs and to the voice of the moment.
< 3<3<3WEBSITE<3<3<3
For a large and very colorfull documentation of findings, occurances, happenings and the spontaneous magnigicent visit and click on the large golden potato.! May the Golden Potato Puree Goddess Guide you !
Happenings will be held on Friday 30 March and Friday 6, 13, 20 and 27 April, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (free admission)
Follow recent findings, messages and invitations for spontaneous moments and important premieres of never imagined performances through
The exhibition will be open from Wednesday – Friday 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday – Sunday 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.